Friday 29 June 2012

That Special Place -that i seem to have forgotten the way to

Ever wondered about having to pay your bills ?? Or about what's gonna happen at work/school today ?? Ever felt irritated when life's unfair ?? Ever lost your temper after a bad day ?? Ever had Mike Tyson punch you in the face ??
             If your answer to all the above questions is yes then i really need to ask you .... WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING ?? WHY WOULD YOU PISS OFF MIKE TYSON ??

However if your answer is yes to all but the last one , then you will be joining an exclusive group of people called " everybody " , there's this funny guy in Tibet who thinks he's too cool to be a part of this group and has gone ahead and started his own little club of happy go lucky monks but we'll get back to him some other time .

    I have always advocated that we pay too much attention to WMDs ( Weapons of Mass Destruction ) and seem to have completely forgotten about something that's a million times worse , these weapons don't come with a blast radius of *insert big number here* miles or have special discovery channel documentaries about how awesome they are , these are WSDs ( Weapons of Self Destruction ) . Stealthier than an f 22 , more intense than an in house nuclear explosion and accurate up to one human being , n what's more ?? they operate autonomously and are at a constant look out for any poor soul who stumbles across their path ( I can see the military go green with envy , or may by it's the camouflage , who cares ).

     Strangely enough , little children seem to be completely immune to their effects , even big children who pretend to be little children seem to have dodged the bullet . I came home from college yesterday , after finishing the last of my exams and getting 2 weeks off n still somehow managing to find some reason to be upset . And then i see my 12 yr old little brother who's got enough home-work to last him a life time is sitting there and laughing away to glory . He looks at me (smile still firmly plastered to his face) and says " Ben Tennyson kicked vilgax's butt today , it was long over due " . Then it hit me like a ton of bricks , i have been sitting around feeling bad and upset over a billion things that i can't control , never really sitting down to remember the better times , the times when i was truly happy . I don't know about you guys but i can remember the happiest time in my life was when i'd lock my room from the inside , tie a red towel around my neck and jump around like superman , it was my special place , a place where i could fly around , beat up bad guys and be appreciated by the whole of my imaginary world .While you are reading this , do both of us a favor and try to remember that special something that made you happy .

         Now i don't know about you guys but i seem to forgotten the way to that special place , or may be there's an age limit ,  we'll never know , but every once in a while , people like that funny guy from Tibet manage to sneak in to that place and find bucket loads of peace and happiness . Truth be told , i find that really annoying , why should he be any different ?? why should he be happy ?? why can't he go about feeling miserable like the rest of us ?? ( there's a hint that i'm throwing here , catch it )


Sunday 24 June 2012

The bat signal !!!

One of my best friends is a die hard bat-fan ...... 
that's really not saying much is it ?? i mean u seriously need to be a few gray cells short to not be in awe of the dark knight .The guy's moves around at night , just melts into the darkness and has a mortal enemy who is ( to put it mildly ) so scary that u'll never look at a pack of playing cards the same way again !!!!

 Anyway , so it was his birthday and i was having a hard time thinking of a gift , he's really into fantasy novels n stuff and i can't for the life of me ever get around to reading a book , the obvious choice was to pool in with someone who's already got a gift in mind but somehow it never really felt right , n then this idea struck me so hard that it almost gave me a concussion ... 

 What do u give a guy who's crazy about batman ?? ......

huh ?? 

go on ??

well , the truth be told , if u really care about em , u give them the contact details of a good psychiatrist , they'll hate u for it , but it's probably the right thing to do ...

I however did the stupid thing of deciding to make him a bat-signal , that's right , A BAT-SIGNAL !!!!

Then began the nearly week long ordeal of getting the plan right , deciding on the materials needed , and also shaving off on costs ( yeah , he's my friend , not some girl from college that i've got a crush on , so yes there were monetary restrictions ).

The saddest part was that i had asked him what he wanted , n he made it quite clear that this was definitely on the top of his wish-list , so in order to throw him off , i gave him a green lantern ring as the official gift the day before his birthday ...... yeah that's right , the most powerful weapon in the universe was the decoy :P

So long story short , n what i believe is the only reason you've been reading so far , here's how u make a bat signal 

items needed : glue , plastic sheets , a thick plastic bowl as big as u want it , a strong cfl bulb , a holder with wire of an appropriate length , some acrylic paint ( black , in case there was any doubt ), aluminium foil , n some other things that u'll probably be smart enough to find


  • paint the outside of the bowl black and make sure that it gets enough time to dry , then looks for missed spots n paint again 
  • Stick the foil to the inner part of the bowl in order to make it reflective , so that when u place the light in it , it's as bright as possible .
  • Connect the cfl bulb to the holder and with the help of some cardboard pieces , stick it inside the bowl , ( i found it easy to just use the box that the cfl bulb came in , after cutting it open in an appropriate way )
  • You might wanna be careful about the power rating on the bulb , if it gets too hot , it might melt the bowl or the foil , also insulate the wire on the holder properly if u don't want a bat-jolt every time u turn the signal on  
  • Trace the exact size of the bowl on the transparent plastic sheet n then cut it out , also cut out the same shape form one of those disposable plastic bags . Apply a lil bit of glue in between these 2 sheets and stick them properly , it also helps if u can any heavy roller to really flatten em out , so that the excess glue gets squeezed out 
  • I used some cellophane tape to stick the screen on the bowl but u can obviously use whatever u want 
  • Take a printout of the bat symbol of the right size and cut it out , it helps if u do it at home cos the ppl at the cyber cafe can make u feel really stupid about taking a bat symbol printout ( personal experience )
  • Stick it to the front of the screen and you are ready to signal batman for help , n if he doesn't turn up u still have a nice reading light :)  ( n between u n me , if some guy does walk into ur house at night dressed in all black n wearing a mask , it might not be batman n u must really call the cops !!! )

So there u have it folks , a lil patience and about 20$ and u have ur very own bat signal . It's also extra special cos u'd have made it urself !!

However , if u really wanna get a kick outta it , go up to ur bat-crazy best friend's place at 12 in the night on his birthday and flash it in his face while u stuff his face with a chocolate brownie , that expression on their faces will be worth a million bucks !!! True story ppl , true story ....

Saturday 23 June 2012

Start off !!!

Ok , so i believe i've made it quite clear to everyone that i have no idea what blogging is about ... But so far i'm honestly excited about it , it's been less than a day and i've already got 70 something views , yay !!!

   So in order to do justice to em' people and the soon to be large crowd of faithful followers ( yeah , so i'm getting a lil ambitious , sue me ) , i've been reading up on some of the other blogs around and i think i'm starting to get what the whole hoohaa is all about , and it looks like a bucket load of fun ( not as much as jumping off an plane with nothing more than a blue spandex n a red cape , but then again nothing is :/  )

        To those of you who don't know me , i'm a huge superman fan ,can sit and watch old Disney movies for days on end , would really want to believe that wwe is real wrestling , am a sucker for anything that flies /floats/howers/ has cannons & machine guns & armor plating and the like ...

There is a lotta stuff that i want to put up as soon as i can , but being an avid believer of procrastination there's only so much that i can do without feeling like a blasphemous traitor . No worries though , all hope's not lost yet , with my 2 weeks of summer vacation around the corner n my genuine lack of interest in any social activity there's not much to do other than to spill my heart out to the good people on the internet ,  so lets get ready to rumble !!!

Ok, wow .....
I guess i finally did it !!  my first shot at blogging ....
It's really funny cos i have no idea if i'll even stay on with this , the name is something that popped into my head when Blogger asked me for one ( although i think it reminds me of those millions of times that I've stood on my terrace n kept staring at those planes rumbling past ) , and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be a miserable blogger . My friend's got a blog though , something that's actually pretty good n it's always made me want to do something similar . So lets see how this goes , here's one for all of us misfits in a really strange but fascinating world , cheers ....