Friday 26 October 2012

I took a break, sue me !!!

Yeah that's right, as my faithful followers would have noticed, i have been really dormant for the past couple of months, the last blog was over two months ago and it's been awfully quiet in the sky since then.

        For those curious few who actually wanna know why this gap let me tell it to you straight, i have been away on a secret mission to a country whose name you aren't allowed to know and have rescued over 300 hostages while being shot in one arm and ..... ok i was just lazy, in fact i'm too lazy to even make up a half decent story.

        Like i said before, it's been quite some time since the last blog and i haven't really been in best of states so writing can be kinda tricky, plus there's the final internals of this sem that's starting up this monday and i'm hopelessly lost. There is however a little bit of positive, i'm as of now completely bedridden (bad knee) and other than blogging there's very little that i can do right now, so don't run off anywhere there's gonna be a couple of glints up there yet ...

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